Tuesday, July 8, 2008

catching up ...

10 mins TGU with 24kg
Snatches with 20kg. 8rh/8lh/rest. Repeat for 10 mins.

1h swings.
As follows. 30sec on RH / 30sec on LH / 30sec rest
Rinse and repeat 10x

Pressing Ladder
(1+1, 1pull up, 2+2, 1pull up, 3+3, 1 pull up) x 5
Used 16kg. Pressing is way too much fun.
Which means I need to use something heavier.

Pressing Ladder: (1+1/2../3../4../5..). 2pull ups between each. Then repeat from bottom.
Max VO2: 20 mins. Brief rest after 10 mins. Protocol was 15on/15rest doing 7rep/15sec/16kg. Then rest, followed by repeat with the lh side.

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